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These past few days have been spent researching hostels, buying flights, canceling flights in the middle of the night, booking hostels, and researching cities/neighborhoods/airports/public transportation to no end. My brain is fried. And yet, I am so insanely excited for this adventure.
In a little less than one month, I'll be jet setting to London, hopping over to Paris, and then settling down in Madrid for my new life as an expat. Whoa.
Am I ready? Questionable. Terrified? Sufficiently. Happy? Undoubtedly.
There's so much to do before I leave - so many friends to be seen, favorite restaurants to be visited and goodbyes to be had. Parting ways with my Seattle life will no doubt be bittersweet, but I can say with confidence that I'm ready for the next chapter. And I think it will be a good one.
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